If you’re a new dog owner or new to the Arlington area, you might be excited to learn that the town has designated off-leash hours. This is a great chance to play fetch, let your dog get a good run in, or just do some free exploration!
Arlington’s off-leash hours are from 6-9am every day so it’s perfect for an early morning adventure. Some parks in Arlington have different hours or rules than others, so be sure to read the signs that are posted before unclipping the leash. Take a look at detailed information about off-leash hours here. The Arlington parks that have off-leash hours are:
- Buzzell Field
- Cutter Park
- Hill’s Hill upper area
- Hill’s Hill Field
- Hurd/Reservoir Fields
- McClennen Park
- Menotomy Rocks Park (excluding woods)
- Park Circle
- Poets Corner
- Reservoir Beach (excluded June 1st-August 31st)
- Robbins Farm Park
- Spy Pond Park and Field
- Summer Street Field
- Turkey Hill
- Wellington Park
There is also the off-leash recreation area at Thorndike Field & Magnolia Park which is a fenced in area open for pup play time from 6am-9pm daily.
Dogs playing at the off-leash recreation area at Thorndike Field & Magnolia Park
Check out this map to find the closest park with off-leash hours. Before you take your dog to an off-leash park, be sure their vaccinations are current and that their license/ID is on them. Extra bags for clean-up are also important! Lastly, dogs should be under voice and sight control when off-leash. Comment below to let us know about your experiences with off-leash hours in Arlington!